

当前位置:首页 >产品中心>细胞库>人正常细胞>HFL1人肺成纤维细胞


简要描述:CCL-153 HFL1 人肺成纤维细胞,原代细胞|细胞系|细胞株|菌种原代细胞、细胞系。细胞库管理规范,

  • 产品型号:HFL1
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2024-06-23
  • 访  问  量:3762


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CCL-153 HFL1 人肺成纤维细胞,原代细胞|细胞系|细胞株|菌种原代细胞、细胞系。细胞库管理规范,提供的细胞株背景清楚,提供参考文献和培养条件!

ATCC® Number: CCL-153™

Designations: HFL1

Depositors: RG Crystal

Biosafety Level: 1

Shipped: frozen

Medium & Serum: See Propagation

Growth Properties: adherent

Organism: Homo sapiens (human)

Morphology: fibroblast

CCL-153 HFL1 人肺成纤维细胞

Source: Organ: lung

Disease: normal

Cell Type: fibroblast

Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.

Reverse Transcript: negative

DNA Profile (STR): Amelogenin: X,Y

CSF1PO: 10,12

D13S317: 11,12

D16S539: 9,11

D5S818: 12

D7S820: 9,10

THO1: 7,9

TPOX: 6,9

vWA: 17

Cytogenetic Analysis: normal human; diploid; stable

Isoenzymes: G6PD, B

Age: fetus

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Propagation: ATCC complete growth medium: The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated F-12K Medium, Catalog No. 30-2004. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: fetal bovine serum to a final concentration of 10%.

Temperature: 37.0°C

Subculturing: Subc*tion Ratio: A subc*tion ratio of 1:4 to 1:6 is recommended

Medium Renewal: 2 to 3 times per week

Remove medium, and rinse with 0.25% trypsin, 0.03% EDTA solution. Remove the solution and add an additional 1 to 2 ml of trypsin-EDTA solution. Allow the flask to sit at room temperature (or at 37C) until the cells detach.

Add fresh culture medium, aspirate and dispense into new culture flasks.

Preservation: culture medium 95%; DMSO, 5%

Related Products: Recommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Medium):ATCC 30-2004

recommended serum:ATCC 30-2020

References: 23400: Breul SD, et al. Control of collagen production by human diploid lung fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem. 255: 5250-5260, 1980. PubMed: 7372635

CCL-153 HFL1



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