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ATCC 6633 枯草芽孢杆菌

简要描述:ATCC 6633 枯草芽孢杆菌,ATCC 菌种|标准菌株|质控菌种|微生物菌种|菌种,
现货供应 ATCC 菌种 上海复祥生物公司现货供应美国典型培养物保藏中心(ATCC)菌种现货供应ATCC菌种,

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2024-11-21
  • 访  问  量:4084


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ATCC 6633 枯草芽孢杆菌 现货供应.

ATCC® Number: 6633™    Price:$155.00
Organism:Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii Nakamura et al. deposited as Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn
Designations:NRS 231
Depositor:NR Smith
Biosafety Level:1
Growth Conditions:ATCC medium3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth
Temperature: 30.0°C
Permits/Forms:In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Cross References:Nucleotide (GenBank) : J03294 Bacillus subtilis thioredoxin (trx), uvrB and aspartokinase II genes, complete cds.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : J03767 B.subtilin spaS gene encoding subtilin, complete cds.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : M99263 Bacillus subtilis operon encoding spaB, spaC, spaD, spaE and spaS genes, complete cds's; ORF, complete cds.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : L24075 Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) spaB gene involved in subtilin biosynthesis, complete cds.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : M86869 Bacillus subtilis spaB gene, 3' end; spaT gene, complete cds; spaC gene, complete cds; subtilin (spaS) gene, putative cds.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : U09819 Bacillus subtilis spaB, spaT, spaC, subtilin (spaS), spaI, spaF, spaE, spaG, spaR spaK and YvaN genes, complete cds.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : AF004102 Bacillus subtilis strain ATCC 6633 thymidylate synthase (thyA) gene, partial cds.

ATCC 6633 枯草芽孢杆菌
Nucleotide (GenBank) : M38634 B.subitilis cellulase gene, 5' end, clone pBAG10.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : AB018486Bacillus subtilis gene for 16S rRNA, partial sequence, strain:ATCC 6633.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : L07785 Bacillus subtilis spaR and spaK genes, complete coding regions.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : M83944 Bacillus subtilis subtilin (spaD, spaB, spaC, spaS) genes, complete cds.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : U38418 Bacillus subtilis chimeric proU operon, proV, proW, proX and proZ genes, complete cds, and spaE gene, partial cds.

Comments:taxonomy [10500]

Enzymes [6680]

Applications:assay of [92276] [92303] [92275]

assay of amoxicillin [45881]

assay of bekanamycin aminodeoxykanamycin, kanamycin B, kanendomycin

assay of capreomycin sulfate capreomycin, capromycin [11016]

assay of colistimethate sodium [21605]

assay of colistin colimycin [21605]

assay of dactinomycin actinomycin, actinomycin D

assay of dihydrostreptomycin sulfate dihydrostreptomycin [21512] [21605] [21604]

assay of erythromycin [21512]

assay of framycetin [21512]

assay of gentamicins gentamicin [51265]

assay of hygromycin B [21742]

assay of kanamycin [51265] [21512] [58602] [11016]

assay of lactam antibiotics beta-lactam antibiotics

assay of lasalocid X-537A, lasalocid A

assay of mitomycin mitomycin C

assay of monensin [21742] [21482]

assay of neomycin [21512] [51265] [58602]

assay of novobiocin

assay of penicillin [51265]

assay of polymyxin B [21605]

assay of rifampin rifampicin, rifamycin AMP

assay of spiramycin [21512] [11016]

assay of streptomycin [21742] [51265] [58602] [21512]

assay of streptonigrin [58604]

assay of tobramycin [21512] [11016] [51276]

assay of vancomycin [21512] [21605]

control strain [21528] [21531] [92420] [92419]

media testing [21509] [11019] [92845] [92390] [21613] [21569]

membrane filter testing [92565]

produces restriction endonuclease Bsu6633I [58866] [9650] [9379]

quality control strain [92096]

sporicidal test [92828] [92837] [92822] [92784]

sterility testing [92306] [21507] [58442] [92277] [11018] [92401] [21604]

susceptibility disc testing novobiocin

susceptibility disc testing rifampin rifampicin, rifamycin AMP

susceptibility testing [92421]

testing [92304] [92305]

testing antibacterial activity [92823]

testing bactericides

validation control [92840]

Related Products:purified DNA: ATCC 6633D-5
References:6680: Waleh NS, Ingraham JL. Pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphokinase and the mode of RNA turnover in Bacillus subtilis. Arch. Microbiol. 110: 49-54, 1976. PubMed: 189719

9379: Shibata T, et al. Site-specific deoxyribonucleases in Bacillus subtilis and other Bacillus strains. J. Bacteriol. 128: 473-476, 1976. PubMed: 824277



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