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简要描述:HTB-37 Caco-2 人结肠腺癌细胞,

  • 产品型号:HTB-37
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2024-06-23
  • 访  问  量:1492


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HTB-37 Caco-2 人结肠腺癌细胞

ATCC® Number: HTB-37™

Designations: Caco-2

Depositors: J Fogh

Biosafety Level: 1

Shipped: frozen

Medium & Serum: See Propagation

Growth Properties: adherent

Organism: Homo sapiens (human)

Morphology: epithelial

HTB-37 Caco-2 人结肠腺癌细胞

Source: Organ: colon

Disease: colorectal adenocarcinoma

Cellular Products: keratin

retinoic acid binding protein 1

retinol binding protein 2

Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.

Restrictions: The cells are distributed for research purposes only. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center releases the line subject to the following: 1.) The cells or their products must not be distributed to third parties. Commercial interests are the exclusive property of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. 2.) Any proposed commercial use of these cells must first be negotiated with The Director, Office of Industrial Affairs, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021; phone (212) 639-6181; (212) 717-3439.

Applications: transfection host (Nucleofection technology from Lonza

Roche FuGENE® Transfection Reagents)

Receptors: heat stable enterotoxin (Sta, E. coli), expressed

epidermal growth factor (EGF), expressed

Virus Susceptibility: Human immunodeficiency virus 1

Tumorigenic: Yes

Reverse Transcript: N

DNA Profile (STR): Amelogenin: X

CSF1PO: 11

D13S317: 11,13,14

D16S539: 12,13

D5S818: 12,13

D7S820: 11,12

TH01: 6

TPOX: 9,11

vWA: 16,18

Cytogenetic Analysis: The stemline modal chromosome number is 96, occurring at 16% with polyploidy at 3.2%. Ten common markers were detected i.e., t(1q;?), 10q-, t(11q17q) and 7 others. The t(1q17q) and M11 were found in a portion of cells. The ins(2), 10q-, and t(15q;?) were generally paired, and t(11q;17q) and t(21q;?) were mostly three-copied. Normal N9 was absent, and N21 was lost in some cells. One to 4 small acrocentric chromosomes were detected. No Y chromosome with bright distal q-band was detected by Q-observation.

Isoenzymes: AK-1, 1

ES-D, 1


GLO-I, 1

Me-2, 1

PGM1, 1

PGM3, 1

Age: 72 years adult

Gender: male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

HeLa Markers: N

Comments: Upon reaching confluence, the cells express characteristics of enterocytic differentiation [PubMed ID: 1939345]. Caco-2 cells express retinoic acid binding protein I and retinol binding protein II [PubMed ID: 9040537].

Propagation: ATCC complete growth medium: The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium, Catalog No. 30-2003. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: fetal bovine serum to a final concentration of 20%.

Atmosphere: air, 95%; carbon dioxide (CO2), 5%

Temperature: 37.0°C

Subculturing: Protocol:

Remove and discard culture medium.

Briefly rinse the cell layer with 0.25% (w/v) Trypsin - 0.53 mM EDTA solution to remove all traces of serum which contains trypsin inhibitor.

Add 2.0 to 3.0 ml of Trypsin-EDTA solution to flask and observe cells under an inverted microscope until cell layer is dispersed (usually within 5 to 15 minutes).

Note: To avoid clumping do not agitate the cells by hitting or shaking the flask while waiting for the cells to detach. Cells that are difficult to detach may be placed at 37C to facilitate dispersal.

Add 6.0 to 8.0 ml of complete growth medium and aspirate cells by gently pipetting.

Add appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension to new culture vessels.The recommended inoculum is 1 X 10(4) viable cells/cm2. Subculture cells when they are about 80% confluent, at a cell concentration between 8 X 10(4) and 1 X 10(5) cell/cm2.

Incubate cultures at 37C.

Subc*tion Ratio: A subc*tion ratio of 1:4 to 1:6 is recommended

Medium Renewal: 1 to 2 times per week

Preservation: Freeze medium: Complete growth medium, 95%; DMSO, 5%

Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor temperature

Doubling Time: about 62 hours

Related Products: Recommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Medium):ATCC 30-2003

recommended serum:ATCC 30-2020

derivative:ATCC CRL-2102

0.25% (w/v) Trypsin - 0.53 mM EDTA in Hank' BSS (w/o Ca++, Mg++):ATCC 30-2101

Cell culture tested DMSO:ATCC 4-X

References: 18385: Didier ES, et al. Characterization of Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinailis isolates cultured from nasal mucosa and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of two AIDS patients. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 43: 34-43, 1996. PubMed: 8563708

22409: Jumarie C, Malo C. Caco-2 cells cultured in serum-free medium as a model for the study of enterocytic differentiation in vitro. J. Cell. Physiol. 149: 24-33, 1991. PubMed: 1939345

22536: Fogh J, et al. Absence of HeLa cell contamination in 169 cell lines derived from human tumors. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 58: 209-214, 1977. PubMed: 833871

22539: Fogh J, et al. One hundred and twenty-seven cultured human tumor cell lines producing tumors in nude mice. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 59: 221-226, 1977. PubMed: 327080

22564: Adachi A, et al. Productive, persistent infection of human colorectal cell lines with human immunodeficiency virus. J. Virol. 61: 209-213, 1987. PubMed: 3640832

22861: Trainer DL, et al. Biological characterization and oncogene expression in human colorectal carcinoma cell lines. Int. J. Cancer 41: 287-296, 1988. PubMed: 3338874

23009: Cohen MB, et al. Receptors for Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin in human intestine and in a human intestinal cell line (Caco-2). J. Cell. Physiol. 156: 138-144, 1993. PubMed: 8100232

HTB-37 Caco-2



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