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ATCC 31012菌种, 威尼斯不动杆菌

简要描述:ATCC 31012菌种, 威尼斯不动杆菌
模式菌株 ATCC 菌种|标准菌株|质控菌种|微生物菌种|菌种,现货供应 ATCC 菌种 上海复祥生物公司现货供应美国典型培养物保藏中心(ATCC)菌种。

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2024-11-21
  • 访  问  量:1800


Product Category


ATCC 31012菌种, 威尼斯不动杆菌

Acinetobacter venetianus Vaneechoutte et al. ex Di Cello et al. (ATCC®31012)

Deposited AsArthrobacter sp.
Strain DesignationsRAG-1

Degrades petroleum crude oil

Produces apoemulsans

Produces emulsans

Produces emulsifier EF-RAG

Produces esterase

Production of exocellular esterase


Tar on beach

Type Strainno
Biosafety Level1
Product Formatfreeze-dried
Type Strainno


Enantioselective reduction of acetyldimethylphenylsilane

MediumATCC® Medium 3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth
Growth Conditions

Temperature: 30.0°C

Name of DepositorEmulsan Biotechnologies Inc.

Tar on beach

ATCC 31012菌种, 威尼斯不动杆菌


Shabtai Y, Gutnick DL. Exocellular esterase and emulsan release from the cell surface of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. J. Bacteriol. 161: 1176-1181, 1985. PubMed: 3838301

Rosenberg E, et al. Emulsifier of Arthrobacter RAG-1: isolation and emulsifying properties. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 37: 402-408, 1979. PubMed: 36840

Rosenberg E, et al. Emulsifier of Arthrobacter RAG-1: specificity of hydrocarbon substrate. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 37: 409-413, 1979. PubMed: 453821

Zuckerberg A, et al. Emulsifier of Arthrobacter RAG-1: chemical and physical properties. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 37: 414-420, 1979. PubMed: 453822

Reisfeld A, et al. Microbial degradation of crude oil: Factors affecting the dispersion in sea water by mixed and pure cultures. Appl. Microbiol. 24: 363-368, 1972. PubMed: 4562475

Horowitz A, et al. Sequential growth of bacteria on crude oil. Appl. Microbiol. 30: 10-19, 1975. PubMed: 1096820

Gutnick D, Rosenberg AE. Cleaning of cargo compartments. US Patent 3,941,692 dated Mar 2 1976

Gutnick DL, Rosenberg E. Production of alpha-emulsans. US Patent 4,230,801 dated Oct 28 1980

Rosenberg E, et al. Production of alpha-emulsans. US Patent 4,234,689 dated Nov 18 1980

Gutnick DL, et al. alpha-Emulsans. US Patent 4,395,354 dated Jul 26 1983

Hayes ME. Personal care products containing bioemulsifiers. US Patent 4,999,195 dated Mar 12 1991

. . Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44: 929-937, 1982.

Syldatk C, et al. Enantioselective reduction of acetyldimethylphenylsilane: a screening with thirty strains of microorganisms. Biotechnol. Lett. 10: 731-736, 1988.

Cross References

Nucleotide (GenBank) : AJ295007 Acinetobacter venetianus ucleotide (GenBank) : D73425 Acinetobacter sp. gene for DNA gyrase subunit B protein, C terminal side, partial cds.

NsNucleotide (GenBank) : D73440 Acinetobacter sp. gene for Dtrain ATCC 31012.

Nucleotide (GenBank) : AB008696 Acinetobacter sp. DNA for DNA gyrase subunit B, partial cds, strain ATCC 31012.

Nide, partial cdA gyrase subunit B protein, N terminal s16S rRNA gene, s.



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